Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How can i set up my own nail shop?.?

Hi i live in england and im looking at setting up a shop in Nail Extensions. I myself will not be working there as i have a full time job already. Mt main job is to help support the shop till custom picks up. So i would be employing.

Can anyone give me some usefull tips? or pointers as to where to start? renting or buying a shop for example. No sarcastic remarks please!.How can i set up my own nail shop?.?
keep banging away at it.How can i set up my own nail shop?.?
I wouldnt recommend either buying or renting a shop until you know how the business is going to go. Why dont you instead buy a small van and have it signwritten with all your details and offer a ';mobile nails service';

Then you can advertise in your local paper that you offer a ';home visit nail service';, I imagine that would not only be very popular, but would also show you which areas most of your customers were coming from. If the business did take off you could then rent in that area.

Given that most of your customers will probably want evening visits you could do them yourself (starting at say 2 evenings per week) until you become established. This would save you employing someone else ( which wouldnt be cheap) and carries obligations from you to ensure that the employee can earn enough to live on.

Start small and grow rather than committing to vast expense before you even start.

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