What I do is, once you paint your nails, let it dry for 30 seconds, then put your nails in ice cold water for another 30 seconds. Then let it dry again for about a minute. It works for me, so I hope it works for you too!How do I get Nail Polish to set when it's too humid out?
Let it set for a couple of minutes then use a hair dryer. I have also turned on the oven for a few minutes then held the oven door ajar and held my hand a little above the opening. Not to close, keep your hand where it feels comfortable. It produces a nice dry heat.
Use a gel lamp. You can buy then at a beauty supply store.
A less expencive way is to buy quick dry spray.
Buy a nail enamel ';quick dry'; product-usually mineral oil based, and just spray it on.
Hold your nails under cold water - not running too hard. A friend told me about this, I tried it and it works!
dunk your hands in a bowl of iced water.
Put your hands in cool still water....wet nails and all. It works.
after polishing, hold your hands in the freezer for a minute. silly, but it works!
Apply time. If your air conditioner removes humidity from the air, you can put your hands in front of the output as well.
I learned this trick from a friend/beautician and I should charge you for this. lol
OK as soon as you do your nails, in any type of weather by the way== run your nails over really cold water from the faucet. Works every time!! Try it and see. You will be amazed.
Let the first coat totally dry before you apply the second. Then use a fast dry top coat/sealant and a blow dryer if you need to.
I would suggest your running to walmart and buying some nail dry in a can. It stinks but they dry almost instantly. I have seen several people suggest the cold water thing. That will indeed dry the top layer quickly but they will still be soft underneath and knick easily. Try not to put your polish on too thick. The brush should be bare except for a bead of color on the tip. Polish should be applied in three strokes; one on each side and one down the center. If you miss a spot dont worry it can be covered with the second coat. Let the polish dry between coats.
sit under the fan it will help
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