Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How do i get rid of nail fungus? I got it from a bad set of acrylic nails and the pills didnt work!!!! Help!?

Sounds painful.

Please visit www.Oly4TheHealingJuice.com ,

read about the Anti-fungal this fruit has,

XAnthones are found in this fruit and has helped my daughter with that problem .

also click on testimonies and read about others stories.How do i get rid of nail fungus? I got it from a bad set of acrylic nails and the pills didnt work!!!! Help!?
if you are sure it's fungus try vicks vapo rub.sounds dumb but i've seen it work several times.apply twice a day.at bedtime with gloves at least.it's gonna take a while 4weeks or so.How do i get rid of nail fungus? I got it from a bad set of acrylic nails and the pills didnt work!!!! Help!?
Soak your nail in bleach.
  • hair highlights
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