Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nail Set/ Nail Punch for Countersinking?

Hi, I was wondering what is the correct size nail punch or nail set I need to countersink 2 1/2 inch hot dipped galvanized nails(common nails) with the round head on them so they won't show thru the floor boards? ThanksNail Set/ Nail Punch for Countersinking?
ozzie has it right.Nail Set/ Nail Punch for Countersinking?
any size which the point is smaller diameter than the nail head.
Your best bet would be to use a small punch. Nail sets are made to fit the head of the nail and are not made big enough for these nails.nails sets are designed the set the nail as you know and normally 2 1/2'; nails need only be flush. But if you need to set them the best thing to use is a punch.

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