Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is there to do while waiting for the nail polish to set?

I love painted nails but I'm often impatient and end up damaging the polish before it's fully dry. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do while waiting for it to set fully?What is there to do while waiting for the nail polish to set?
i multitask it...pamper yourself, or do this before you go out. Take a shower, then while your hair is drying put mask on your face...do your toes..and then your fingernails..sit back chill ...listen to a good song..or watch a video or something...and running a little cold water over your fingernails never hurt after giving them 10 minutes to dry...i read it somewhere...and it helps..What is there to do while waiting for the nail polish to set?
whatchoo talkin bout willis.
watch tv
watch t.v.
Wait it to set,watch tv,think what r u doing next etc.

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