Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How many acrylic nail fills before you have to get a new set?

I got my nails done about a week and a half ago. I am going to get them filled tomorrow. about many times can I get them filled before I need a new set? I know the longest I have had them on was 3 months before I got a new set and they were falling off left and right...thats why I got them redone...How many acrylic nail fills before you have to get a new set?
I've had mine up to as long as 6 months..

Its about if your nail shop does really good fills.

Mine were never weak and always looked soo fresh.

U never need to keep having them taken off until u notice they weaken or start to change shade of color..

Save money by getting fills until u absolutely need them.

Make sure ur nail shop is doing ur fills very nice.How many acrylic nail fills before you have to get a new set?
ive gotten them filled and cut back for long, very long periods of time. if one came off, which normally mine don't, it was just replaced.
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