Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is it ok for a guy to walk into a nail salon and ask the nailtech for a full set of fingernails?

I am wanting to go to the salon and get a full set of acrylic fingernails.Is it ok for a guy to walk into a nail salon and ask the nailtech for a full set of fingernails?
If you want to get a full set then just go do it. Why do you care what other people think their your nails. Will you be happy to have them done?

I paint my toenails and go out in public and I'm straight. I don't care what people think, I know my nails look better than any other guys and better tham some womens. I prefer medium and dark browns and they make my feet look amazing.

Go for it.Is it ok for a guy to walk into a nail salon and ask the nailtech for a full set of fingernails?
its okay but its embarrising and kinda like u are a girl...
why not? they're ok with it if you are.
if you are gay,

otherwise, why would a girl want to date A GUY WITH LONG FAKE NAILS.

If you are just curious go buy a little nail kit for about 7.00

and glue them on. the better kits last a a week to two weeks. If you hate it you can get nail polish remover to take them off right away.
no. Full Set is getting tips that's nasty. Now if you asked for a manicure that's OK
I used to get my nails done when I lived in Cali and I went to a lady that had her shop in the back of her house. One day a big guy came in and it was just me and my nail tech. He said he wanted a full set. Both her and I were shocked. But hey if he wanted them I'm sure he got them. More power to him for not being tooo shy about it. It is kinda weird just because long nails are a female thing. Go for it.
Dude, lots of gys get their fingernais done these days. Mostly its business men and people who are on T.V., but its getting more and more popular these days.

Unfortunately some people might make fun of you for it, but I suggest that you just don't listen to them.
it would be weird if you are getting your nails done but if your buying a set of fingernail for someone else its fine
if you want to, they arnt gonna be like get out of here i have drag queen friends who do it all the time and youd be amazed the men who go in just for manicures.
Go for it why would they refuse business? If its what you want and they won't serve you, then go somewhere else!:)

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