Friday, February 5, 2010

Why do fake nail sets always come in 24 pieces, when you only have 20 nails?

Don't just say that they are extras cause y do they only give 4 instead of 10 or 20...Why do fake nail sets always come in 24 pieces, when you only have 20 nails?
well actually none of the extra 4 nails are the same size, ppl have different sized fingers and different shaped nails, so the extra nails give you wider choice to find the perfect size to fit your nails.Why do fake nail sets always come in 24 pieces, when you only have 20 nails?
they are probably just extras, and they wouldn't give you 10 or 20 extras because they probably don't think people need 10 or 20 extras!
it comes in different sizes, you just have to choose to which will exactly fits in your nails
Extra's..fake nails do fall off..and Some come with different nail sizes..and extra's to do a few sets of nails.
probably incase on or two of them breaks or chips. so you have some extras
in case you need a different size, you have a few more options

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